Beauty Consultant 美容顧問 Job in 美容及健身 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: Estee Lauder (Macau) Limited

Beauty Consultant 美容顧問

Job Description 工作範圍:

• 負責產品銷售及店舖日常營運及庫存管理
• Responsible for product sales, daily store operations and inventory management.
• 了解顧客需求,提供專業的美容護膚諮詢及產品示範
• Understand customer needs and provide professional beauty and skincare consultation and product demonstrations.
• 與顧客建立良好關係,跟進顧客護膚進度及效果,提升顧客對公司品牌的忠誠度
• Establish good relationships with customers, follow up on customers’ aftersales experience, enhance customers’ loyalty to Brand.

Job Requirements入職要求:

• 具一年或以上護膚品、化妝品等零售工作經驗
• More than 1 year working experience in skincare / makeup retail experience.
• 對尊貴化妝及護膚行業有認識及充滿熱誠
• Knowledgeable and passionate about the prestige cosmetics and skincare industry.
• 持有國際認可美容護理證書者優先考慮
• Holding internationally recognized beauty care certificates will be given priority.
• 良好的銷售技巧與顧客服務態度
• Good sales skills and customer service attitude.
• 積極主動、充滿熱情的工作態度
• Energetic, passionate, and positive working attitude.
• 能操流利廣東話、良好普通話及英語
• Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 最低/少 一年工作經驗 
  • 中學 
  • 零售業 
  • 美容及健身 (美容護理) 
    銷售 - 零售 (綜合商品銷售) 
    銷售 - 零售 (奢華品銷售 -綜合) 
  • 16/09/2024 


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