Officer, Guest Service 客戶部接待員 Job in 酒店營運 - 房務部 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門雅詩閣 Ascott Macau

  • 澳門雅詩閣是凱德集團成員雅詩閣有限公司 (The Ascott Limited) 旗下管理的精品物業之一。擁有超過30年專業經驗的雅詩閣,物業遍佈美洲、亞太、歐洲及中東地區超過25個國家100多個城市,並屢獲殊榮。

    澳門雅詩閣 (Ascott Macau) 位於澳門半島皇朝區海濱地段,擁有110間格調雅緻的豪華客房及套房,並配有多種休閒會所設施,致力於為全球商旅人士創造尊貴無憂的入住體驗,在澳門眾多頂級酒店中獨樹一幟。若您有志從事酒店行業,我們誠摯邀請獨一無二的您加入雅詩閣之家,與我們一同創造卓越,並肩成長!

Officer, Guest Service 客戶部接待員

Major Responsibility

- Daily check in, check-out, reservation and reception work.
- Ensure correct handling of billing and administrative work, including the review and report archiving.
- Reflect good professional image of companies and individuals in daily work and keep a good communication and coordination with partner of property.
- Proper and timely handing of customer requirements, inquiries and complaints. If necessary, promptly report to their superiors.
- Ensure compliance with related policies, procedures and standards of Ascott.
- Any other tasks assigned by supervisor.


- College degree or above, major in hotel management, tourism or graduate in language related disciplines.
- Relevant work experience is preferred.
- Good communication skills, have good English and Chinese speaking ability.
- Good grooming.
- Can accept shift work.

We offer attractive remuneration package to the right candidate. Interested candidates, please send your full resume with current and expected salary to

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 最低/少 少於一年工作經驗 
  • 學士學位 
  • 酒店業 
  • 酒店營運 - 房務部 (前台服務) 
  • 18/12/2024 


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