銷售顧問 - 國際奢侈男裝品牌 Job in 銷售 - 零售 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: MSS Recruitment

  • MSS Recruitment is largest and leading Executive Search & Recruitment Agency in Macau, providing many international and local companies operating in Macau with a 360° HR solution to support our clients' human resource strategies. MSS Recruitment owns hello-jobs.com, hello-learning.com and hello-jobs weekly in Macau resulting in the largest candidate database ownership and market penetration which ensure the right candidates are sourced for each client.

    MSS Recruitment Limited enjoys excellent testimonies from our clients though our excellent service which builds positive word of mouth and referrals leading to its No 1 market position in Macau.

    Personal Information Collection Statement
    The personal data contained in your application will be used by MSS Recruitment Limited to access your suitability to assume the job duties. We will retain the personal data of unsuccessful applicants according to Personal Data Protection Act for future job matching purpose.

    Employment Agency License Number:2009001

銷售顧問 - 國際奢侈男裝品牌


* 月薪+佣金可達$20,000至$30,000

* 每月例假8天


* 負責店鋪日常運作, 包括銷售, 庫存管理等

* 向客人提供詳細的品牌及貨品紹, 提供專業優質的客戶服務

* 核對商品的銷售量及庫存量

* 鞏固客戶對品牌的忠誠度及滿意度

* 逹成個人及店鋪的銷售指標


* 具3年或以上零售工作經驗, 高級男裝品牌零售經驗者優先考慮

* 具有良好銷售技巧及優質服務態

* 有禮貌、積極主動及注重團隊精神

* 能操流利廣東話, 普通話及英語


* retailjobs.mo@mss-recruitment.com

* 致電/ Wechat: 6599 7671

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區 
  • 三年工作經驗 三年工作經驗 
  • 中學 
  • 零售業 
  • 銷售 - 零售 (綜合商品銷售) 
    銷售 - 零售 (奢華品銷售 - 服裝及飾物) 
    銷售 - 零售 (奢華品銷售 -綜合) 
  • 13/08/2024 


體驗一鍵快速申請 無需註冊