Retail Consultant (Part-Time) 零售顧問(兼職) Job in 銷售 - 零售 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: Aesop Macau Limited

Retail Consultant (Part-Time) 零售顧問(兼職)


  • 主動為顧客提供服務,協助推廣公司品牌,令顧客擁有良好的購物體驗
  • 細心聆聽並了解顧客的需求,提供產品介紹及建議
  • 協助店舖日常運作,包括產品陳列、倉存整理、收銀工作
  • 維繫良好的顧客關係 

  • 1年或以上相關經驗
  • 主動積極、有責任感、具學習意願和服務熱誠
  • 良好溝通技巧、顧客服務及著重團隊精神
  • 能處理多項工作及樂於接受挑戰
  • 能操流利廣東話、英語及普通話 

Job Responsibilities:
  • Providing high level of customer services to ensure our customers has an ultimate customer experience
  • Understanding customer’s needs and providing professional recommendations of Aesop’s products and usage method
  • Ensuring continuous smooth operation in store, such as maintaining company brand standards, in-store neatness, stock arrangements, cashier etc.
  • Build and maintain long-term relationship with customers

Job Requirements
  • Minimum 1 years’ solid retail sales experience
  • Proactive with positive working attitude, willing to learn, responsible & passionate
  • Team player, with excellent customer service, interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks while enjoy working in a fast‐paced and target-driven environment
  • Proficient in Chinese and good spoken English and Mandarin

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 最低/少 沒有工作經驗 
  • 中學 
  • 零售業 
  • 銷售 - 零售 (綜合商品銷售) 
    銷售 - 零售 (奢華品銷售 - 化妝品) 
    銷售 - 零售 (奢華品銷售 -綜合) 
  • 06/09/2024 


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