見習/助理數據分析員 見習/助理工程師 - 資源管理科 (供水營運部) Job in 工程 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門自來水股份有限公司 / The Macao Water Supply Company Limited

  • 澳門自來水股份有限公司於1935 年成立,為一家私營企業,主要業務是為本澳提供安全、穩定、優質的供水服務。公司於1985年重組(母公司為法國蘇伊士),與政府簽訂一項為期25年的供水專營合約。憑著卓越的服務表現於2009 年與澳門特區政府續簽為期20 年的《延長澳門特別行政區供水公共服務批給公證合同》,有效期至2030年7月。

    Established in 1935, the Macao Water Supply Company Limited is a private enterprise in Macao which provides safe, reliable and quality water supply service. The company was restructured in 1985 (SUEZ is its parent company) and signed a 25-year water supply concession contract with the Macao Government. The superb water supply service during the period has earned the company a renewal of the “Extended Contract for the Concession of the Public Utility Service of Water Supplying in the Macao SAR” in 2009, valid for 20 years till July 2030.

見習/助理數據分析員 見習/助理工程師 - 資源管理科 (供水營運部)


1. 對日常營運數據進行處理及分析,完成專題分析以及匯報;
2. 利用Power BI、GIS 創建新報表以及維護現有報表;
3. 制定測漏計劃,跟進測漏維修,統計及分析測漏數據,進行晚間現場測漏工作;
4. 管理及採購測漏相關儀器,利用儀器完成壓力測試;
5. 水力模型建立及應用;
6. 完成上級安排之其他任務。


1. 大學畢業,主修地理、環境或工程相關學歷;
2. 歡迎應屆畢業生,具1至2年相關工作經驗為優先;
3. 良好中英文口語及書寫能力;
4. 精通ArcGIS或同類型地理信息系統;
5. 具一定編程基礎知識,如Python、R、SAS、SPSS、Matlab或Tableau等;
6. 具輕型汽車駕駛執照;
7. 需夜更工作。

有意者請將履歷電郵至 hrd@macaowater.com,郵件註明“訊息來源: hello-jobs”及提供預期薪金,本公司會保密處理所收集的個人資料並只作招聘用途。

Job Description

1. Process and analyze daily operational data, complete thematic analysis, and report.
2. Use Power BI and GIS to create new reports and maintain existing reports.
3. Develop leak testing plans, follow up leak testing maintenance, statistics and analyze leak testing data, and conduct on-site leak testing at night if needed.
4. Manage and purchase leak testing related equipment, complete pressure tests.
5. Hydraulic model establishment and application.
6. Complete other tasks assigned by superiors.

Preferred Skills

1. University graduate, majoring in geography, environment or engineering related degree.
2. Fresh graduates are welcome, 1-2 years of relevant work experience will be an advantage.
3. Good in spoken and written English & Chinese.
4. Proficient in ArcGIS or similar geographic information systems.
5. Basic knowledge of programming, such as Python, R, SAS, SPSS, Matlab or Tableau.
6. Possess a motorbike and light vehicle driving license.
7. Night shift is needed.

Interested parties please send your cv to hrd@macaowater.com and remark the source from "Hello-jobs". The personal information provided will be processed confidentially and for the purpose of recruitment only.

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 公共事業 
  • 工程 (機械工程) 
    工程 (其他) 
  • 17/10/2024 


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