銷售及業務發展經理(本地及海外市場) / Sales & Business Development Manager (Local & Overseas Markets) Job in 市場推廣及公共關係 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 東望洋手信有限公司

  • 澳門連鎖烘焙店


    集團于 2005年創立了「東望洋餅店」,堅持“優選材料、匠心製作、以客為尊、服務親切”為經營宗旨,專業銷售各類新鮮烘培及澳門特色手信食品,發展至今已成為澳門可具規模之烘焙食品連鎖店,目前16分店遍佈澳門各重要商業、學校區及住宅區。

    Macau chain bakery

    The Tong Mong Ieong Group Ltd., is a diversified enterprise with investments in real estate, hotels, restaurants, tourism, retail, and food production in Macau. The group opened the "Padaria Da Guia" bakery stores in Macau in 2005, adhering to the company philosophy of "selecting high-quality materials, artisanal production, customer-centricity, and friendly service." The bakery specializes in selling fresh baked goods and Macau specialty souvenirs and has established a store-chain in key commercial, educational, and residential areas of Macau.

銷售及業務發展經理(本地及海外市場) / Sales & Business Development Manager (Local & Overseas Markets)

  • 計劃市場銷售行動
  • 跟進銷售目標
  • 開發新客戶及海外市場
  • 聯繫客戶及跟進訂單
  • 執行集團特定項目(如展會及跨部門合作)


  1. 市場行銷或其他相關學科文憑或以上;
  2. 3-5年市場營銷或相關學科工作經驗
  3. 有海外巿場銷售經驗優先
  4. 能獨立工作及營理團隊
  5. 富有創造力和組織能力,具有良好的分析和解決問題的能力;
  6. 對銷售有高的分析及計劃能力。





  • Plan marketing actions
  • Follow up on sales targets
  • Develop new clients and overseas markets
  • Contact clients and follow up on orders
  • Execution of group projects (e.g. exhibitions and cross-departmental collaborations)


  1. Diploma or above in marketing or other related disciplines;
  2. 3-5 years of working experience in sales & marketing or related disciplines
  3. Overseas sales experience is preferred
  4. Able to work independently and manage a team
  5. Creative and organizational skills with good analytical and problem-solving skills;
  6. Have high ability to analyze and plan sales.


The above positions are entitled to seniority allowances, birthday gifts, statutory holidays, paid annual leave and sick leave.

Interested candidates please email your resume with a recent photo and expected salary to: hr@guiafoodmo.com

  • 職位要求

  • 中級管理層 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 高等專科文憑 
  • 餐飲業 
  • 市場推廣及公共關係 (市場推廣) 
    銷售 - 零售 (綜合商品銷售) 
    銷售 - 綜合 (綜合) 
  • 27/09/2024 


體驗一鍵快速申請 無需註冊