ZIPCITY PROMOTER Job in 市場推廣及公共關係 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: ZIPCITY MACAU「澳門飛索」

  • 「澳門飛索」ZIPCITY是世界首個沉浸式身臨其境的高空滑索體驗, 位於澳門葡京人,通過結合音效和幻光效果的超感觀滑翔,把高空飛索帶來的刺激感推向極限,創造獨一無二的精彩娛樂體驗。

    1. 安全第一 : 我們注重安全,致力成為行內最安全的營運商。
    2. 做熱愛的事,並表現出來 : 熱情好客,樂在其中,為顧客創造難忘的體驗。
    3. 充滿熱誠的服務 : 我們的目標是盡己所能,做到最好。
    4. 團隊合作是成功的關鍵 : 傾聽,激勵,以身作則。
    5. 做正確的事 : 有責任心、可持續發展及誠信經營。

    「澳門飛索」ZIPCITY 不僅是創新和震憾的景點,也是創造珍貴回憶的之地。 您的參予和服務正是創造難忘體驗的秘訣。我們現誠意邀請您加入我們充滿活力的團隊:

    ZIPCITY is world’s first immersive zipline adventure attraction. Located in Lisboeta Macau, our exhilarating attraction combines the gravity-fed thrills of ziplining with cutting edge technology and extra-sensory audio-visual experience.

    Behind the business is a team of passionate people, who are committed to operating high-quality zipline attractions in premium urban environments. Our mission is to create lasting memories for our customers by delivering epic experiences.

    The ZIPCITY business is being built around five core values, which are guiding principles for our employees, our culture and our brand. Our core values define our decision-making, hiring, onboarding, interactions, employee engagement and processes.

    1. Safety First.
    2. Do what you love. And show it.
    3. Perform with Passion.
    4. Teamwork makes it happen.
    5. Do the right thing.

    ZipCity is a spectacular attraction, a creator of memories and you are the secret sauce for what makes the customer’s experience memorable. We are now inviting interested candidate to join us as:



ZIPCITY MACAU 是全球首個沉浸式城市高空滑索體驗,是澳門獨一無二的新型休閒娛樂項目,結合了令人興奮的滑索體驗與壯觀的視聽效果。

您的工作內容…. 您將在高人流量的Lisboeta度假村(ZIPCITY Macau所在地)參與銷售推廣,主動接觸遊客,介紹ZIPCITY Macau提供的精彩體驗。

我們希望看到…. • 對市場推廣充滿熱情,並渴望向我們經驗豐富的團隊學習 • 積極主動,充滿活力,性格堅強 • 天生喜歡與人交流,並隨時準備與任何人交談 • 親切、自信 • 能講廣東話和普通話,懂英語者優先

我們為您提供…. • 具有競爭力的時薪。競爭力意味著比其他任何公司更好! • 獎勵津貼。我們為您每售出一張票提供銷售佣金! •非常吸引的兼職工作時間。 • 持續的工作機會,公共假期雙倍工資,對表現最佳者提供晉升機會。 • 為我們的優秀宣傳員安排團隊活動和外出。





ZIPCITY MACAU is the world’s first immersive urban zipline attraction, a one-of-a-kind new leisure entertainment attraction in Macau that combines the exhilarating thrills of ziplining with a spectacular audio-visual experience.

What you will do….
You will participate in sales promotion in high traffic areas of the Lisboeta resort (location of ZIPCITY Macau) proactively reaching out to visitors to introduce the the awesome experience offered at ZIPCITY Macau.

We want to see…...

  • Enthusiasm to learn about marketing and a desire to learn from our experienced team
  • You are very proactive with high energy and strong personality
  • You know you naturally like to talk to people, and are ready to speak to anyone anywhere
  • Approachable, confident and
  • Cantonese and Mandarin speaker, English is a bonus

What we have for you….
  • Competitive hourly rate. By competitive, we mean better than any other company!
  • Incentives bonus. We offer a sales commission on every ticket you sell!
  • Attraction part-time working hours.
  • Ongoing opportunities for work, double pay for public holidays and promotion opportunities for best performers.
  • Team activities and outings for our best promoters.

Sounds interesting for you?

Get your resume into our queue to to enquire about an interview appointment.

Remember to check out our website before fore you come to meet us.

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 娛樂 
  • 市場推廣及公共關係 (市場推廣) 
    市場推廣及公共關係 (品牌推廣) 
  • 16/09/2024 


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