助理高級安全運維工程師 - 營運組 (資訊服務) Job in 資訊科技及電子通訊 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門自來水股份有限公司 / The Macao Water Supply Company Limited

  • 澳門自來水股份有限公司於1935 年成立,為一家私營企業,主要業務是為本澳提供安全、穩定、優質的供水服務。公司於1985年重組(母公司為法國蘇伊士),與政府簽訂一項為期25年的供水專營合約。憑著卓越的服務表現於2009 年與澳門特區政府續簽為期20 年的《延長澳門特別行政區供水公共服務批給公證合同》,有效期至2030年7月。

    Established in 1935, the Macao Water Supply Company Limited is a private enterprise in Macao which provides safe, reliable and quality water supply service. The company was restructured in 1985 (SUEZ is its parent company) and signed a 25-year water supply concession contract with the Macao Government. The superb water supply service during the period has earned the company a renewal of the “Extended Contract for the Concession of the Public Utility Service of Water Supplying in the Macao SAR” in 2009, valid for 20 years till July 2030.

助理高級安全運維工程師 - 營運組 (資訊服務)

1. 為軟件、網絡、電腦系統及相關設備提供技術支援,確保基礎設施安全可靠;
2. 為伺服器、網絡、IT管理系統等設施或設備提供規劃、實施和運營工作;
3. 負責進行有計劃的預防性維護工作,確保基礎設備及系統的可用性;
4. 負責協調公司內部的資訊技術需求,按時完成相關支援等工單;
5. 跟進警告系統所發出的提示;
6. 支援上級委派之緊急職務。

1. 大學畢業,主修資訊服務、資訊科技或相關專業;
2. 具8年或以上伺服器及防火牆的相關經驗;
3. 熟悉伺服器、網絡、主流IT營運系統、Windows作業系統、Active Directory及Office 365等產品或技術為優先;
4. 具網絡安全經驗者為優先;
5. 良好的英語、廣東話聽說讀寫能力及基本普通話語言能力;
6. 責任心強、上進,具有團隊合作精神。

有意者請將履歷電郵至hrd@macaowater.com,郵件可註明 “訊息來源: Hello-jobs”及提供預期薪金,人力資源部將會聯絡合適應徵者預約面試時間。

Job Description
1. Provide technical support for software, networks, and computer systems to ensure the safety and reliability of infrastructure.
2. Provide planning and implementation work for servers, networks, IT management systems and other facilities or equipment.
3. Responsible for carrying out preventive maintenance work to ensure the availability of systems.
4. Responsible for coordinating the information technology needs and completing relevant support on time.
5. Follow up on prompts issued by the warning system.
6. Support emergency duties assigned by superiors.

Job Requirements
1. University graduate, majoring in information services, information technology or related majors.
2. 8 year or more server and firewall related experience.
3. Familiar with servers, networks, mainstream IT operating systems, Windows operating systems, Active Directory, Office 365, and other technologies is preferred.
4. Applicant with network security experience is preferred.
5. Good command of oral and written Chinese and English.
6. Strong sense of responsibility, self-motivation, and team spirit.

Interested parties please send your resume to hrd@macaowater.com and indicate your expected salary in the email by remarking the source from “Hello-jobs”.

  • 職位要求

  • 中級管理層 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 最低/少 八年工作經驗 
  • 學士學位 
  • 公共事業 
  • 資訊科技及電子通訊 (網絡及系統) 
    資訊科技及電子通訊 (安全) 
    資訊科技及電子通訊 (資訊科技營運) 
  • 12/09/2024 


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