IT Officer IT 專員 Job in 資訊科技及電子通訊 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門雅詩閣 Ascott Macau

  • 澳門雅詩閣是凱德集團成員雅詩閣有限公司 (The Ascott Limited) 旗下管理的精品物業之一。擁有超過30年專業經驗的雅詩閣,物業遍佈美洲、亞太、歐洲及中東地區超過25個國家100多個城市,並屢獲殊榮。

    澳門雅詩閣 (Ascott Macau) 位於澳門半島皇朝區海濱地段,擁有110間格調雅緻的豪華客房及套房,並配有多種休閒會所設施,致力於為全球商旅人士創造尊貴無憂的入住體驗,在澳門眾多頂級酒店中獨樹一幟。若您有志從事酒店行業,我們誠摯邀請獨一無二的您加入雅詩閣之家,與我們一同創造卓越,並肩成長!

IT Officer IT 專員

 Major Responsibilities:

  • Fully responsible for the computer management system of the apartment
  • Responsible for coordinating with other departments for computer use and solving computer system failures in a timely manner
  • Formulate and implement emergency response measures for apartment informatization
  • Regularly inspect and inspect the data backup of the computer system of the apartment to ensure the safety and effective storage of the data
  • Apartment computer and asset management management to ensure that the accounts are consistent
Requirements :
  • Bachelor degree or above;
  • Have the basic skills of technicians in the engineering department and participate in the operation of the department
  • Have at least 2 years of experience in hotel computer information management, and master the installation, debugging and troubleshooting of various computer hardware and software
  • Good Chinese and English communication skills
  • Can withstand strong working pressure

We offer attractive remuneration package to the right candidate. Interested candidates, please send your full resume with current and expected salary to or WhatsApp us at +853 6682 6945.

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 最低/少 一年工作經驗 
  • 學士學位 
  • 酒店業 
  • 資訊科技及電子通訊 (硬體裝備) 
    資訊科技及電子通訊 (資訊科技營運) 
    資訊科技及電子通訊 (綜合) 
  • 06/09/2024 


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