保安控制室經理/副經理 Job in 監控及保安 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: Macau Fisherman's Wharf

  • Macau Fisherman’s Wharf is located approximately a five-minute walk away from the Macau Ferry Terminal along the outer harbour of the Macau Peninsula, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf is the largest leisure and entertainment complex on the Macau Peninsula. Featuring Babylon Casino, convention and exhibition center, Rocks Hotel, Harbourview Hotel, a marina, a theme park and dining, shopping and entertainment facilities, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf brings together a variety of themes to create a unique and multicultural experience that appeals to a broad spectrum of visitors from Asia.

    Testament to its splendid world-class services and facilities, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf was awarded “Most Popular Hong Kong and Macau Brands” by China Media Network in 2009 and “Best Theme Park” by Travel Weekly Asia Industry Awards in 2008.

    We are in the process of redeveloping Macau Fisherman’s Wharf. We plan to redevelop existing facilities as well as adding a diverse range of new facilities, such as additional gaming areas, hotel accommodation, food and beverage outlets, retail space and entertainment venues in order to expand and enhance our unique offering.

    For more information, please visit http://www.fishermanswharf.com.mo/



• 監管及協調保安控制室的日常運作,觀察及記錄可疑活動,並及時進行𢑥報以保障客人和公司的人員及財產安全。
• 協助審查、分析並確認保安系統需求,包括安裝攝像機,並與合適的供應商合作管理項目,以確保滿足所有專業需求及期望。
• 安排例行的隨機監控檢查,以確保監控系統的正常運作。
• 與各部門保持緊密聯繫,以有效監管和制定門禁系統的設置。
• 管理保安控制室的人員配置,透過提供培訓、監督工作表現及激勵等方式以提升團隊成員的績效。
• 及時地掌握現行的視頻監控法規,並落實相應措施,以保障客人及公司人員的個人隱私。


• 中學畢業或以上學歷。
• 具至少八年的相關工作經驗。
• 具備豐富的物理安全、視頻監控、無線電通信、存取控制,及指揮中心佈局之相關知識及技術。
• 具備監督、培訓及領導能力。
• 具責任感、良好的工作態度及嚴謹紀律。
• 懂流利廣東話、普通話及英語。
• 具備良好的體能及抗壓能力
• 需輪班工作。


  • 職位要求

  • 中級管理層 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 其他 
  • 監控及保安 (保安) 
    監控及保安 (監控) 
  • 05/11/2024 


體驗一鍵快速申請 無需註冊