項目主任Project Executive / 項目專員Project Coordinator Job in 教育 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門城市大學 City University of Macau

  • City University of Macau

項目主任Project Executive / 項目專員Project Coordinator

職責 Responsibilities:
 為大學項目提供有效、高品質的專案管理,並協調各功能工作小組以確保專案按計劃完成;
 對潛在項目進行市場調查與分析,協調及整合專家意見;
 協調項目專家評審會議,確保項目資訊能準確地溝通及更新;
 與校內外項目專家學者維持專業聯繫及關係;
 協調大學成果產業轉化的工作;
 根據需要執行其他相關工作。

 Provide effective and quality project management, and coordinate multifunctional working groups for the University's projects to ensure the projects are completed on time and with high quality;
 Conduct market research and analysis for potential projects, coordinate and integrate experts’ opinions;
 Organize experts’ review meetings and ensure accurate information communication and updates about the projects;
 Maintain professional networking relationship with experts and scholars within and outside the University;
 Assist the industrial transformation of University’s achievements;
 Perform other related duties as required.

要求 Requirement:
 具有敏銳的洞察力,擁有良好的資料搜集、市場調研及報告撰寫能力和全域思維;
 積極主動、工作條理清晰、反應敏捷、勇於接受挑戰並能夠在壓力下獨立完成工作任務;
 熱愛教育行業及具有高等教育工作經驗者優先。

 Keen insight and comprehensive thinking, excellent analytical, market research and report writing skills;
 Highly developed organizational skills to proactively juggle multiple tasks and perform at pace with accuracy and excellent attention to detail. Being responsive at a fast-paced environment and able to remain calm and professional under challenges and pressure;
 Applicants who are dedicated to education industry and have experience in higher education will be given priority.

  • 職位要求

  • 中級管理層 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 教育業 
  • 教育 (教育) 
  • 21/02/2025 


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