行政人員 Administrative Staff Job in 教育 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 澳門城市大學 City University of Macau

  • City University of Macau

行政人員 Administrative Staff

職責 Responsibilities:
 負責專案報告和工作計劃的撰寫與製作;
 負責數據資料的定期收集、匯總、管理;
 起草提交政府/單位的報告和信函;
 參與活動籌備與規劃工作;
 與校內外部門/機構維持緊密聯繫合作;
 根據需要執行其他相關工作。

 Responsible for preparation and writing of project reports and work plans;
 Responsible for regular data collection, consolidation and management;
 Draft reports and correspondence for government/entities;
 Participate in event preparation and planning;
 Maintain close contact and cooperation with departments/institutions within and outside the University;
 Perform other related duties as required.

 具有優秀的中文寫作、編輯及校對能力,能獨立撰寫深度分析報告
 踏實高效,工作細緻認真,具有較強的責任心、服務意識和團隊協作精神,能夠承受一定工作壓力。
 熱愛教育行業者優先。
 具體職級按申請人個別條件考慮

 Have excellent Chinese writing, editing and proofreading skills, and be able to independently prepare comprehensive analysis reports
 Be practical and efficient, excellent attention to detail, initiative and a strong service ethos and teamwork spirit, be able to work under pressure;
 Applicants who are dedicated to education industry will be an advantage.
 Job rank will be determined based on the applicant's overall qualifications.

  • 職位要求

  • 基層員工 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 教育業 
  • 教育 (教育) 
  • 16/10/2024 


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