社交媒體副經理Assistant Manager - Social Media (ID:3961BR) Job in 傳媒及廣告 in 所有澳門特別行政區地區 - Job Description


  • 公司名稱: 永利渡假村 Wynn Resorts

  • 顯赫奢華的體驗,對優質服務的承諾,奠定了永利渡假村在全球酒店業界的領導地位。永利澳門開業以來屢獲殊榮,驕人成綪無可比擬,而永利皇宮路氹則將住宿體驗昇華至更高層次。歡迎加入我們,把握您盡展所長、發展專業的理想機會。

社交媒體副經理Assistant Manager - Social Media (ID:3961BR)




  • 支持社交媒體總監制定並實施整體中國社交媒體內容和運營策略,以確保永利在中國社交媒體領域處於並保持市場領先地位
  • 領導及開發符合公司戰略目標的社交媒體內容
  • 定期策劃主題性和戰術性內容,以支持公司的品牌建設和商業工作
  • 計劃和執行社交媒體活動,創造引人入勝的線上到線下用戶體驗,以吸引客流到永利
  • 與各個內部部門就內容創建和材料準備進行協調和溝通
  • 管理和支持代理機構製作超出預期的創意和高質量內容
  • 管理內容創作以及與外部視頻團隊、網紅和名人等第三方合作


工作經驗: 具最少4 -5年在數位行銷、平台運營、數據分析及社交媒體活動管理的經驗。具奢侈品牌、設計、藝術與文化以及酒店業的工作經驗者優先考慮。
教育程度: 具學士學位畢業或以上程度
技能 / 證書:
語言能力: 能操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,具良好中英文書寫能力
精通在線設計、視頻編輯工具、桌上出版及MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

Job Purpose:

Responsible for the planning and successful execution of the social media content and operation for the China market

Key Responsibilities

  • Support social media Director to formulate and implement an overall China social media content and operation strategy to ensure that Wynn has a top-notch presence in the China social media landscape and stays ahead of the market
  • Lead the effort to develop social media content in alignment with the company’s strategic objectives
  • Curate both topical content and tactical content regularly to support the company’s brand building and commercial efforts
  • Plan and execute social media campaigns to create an engaging online-to-offline user experience to drive footfall to the Wynn properties
  • Liaise with various internal departments on content creation and material preparation
  • Manage and support agencies to produce creative and quality content that beats expectations
  • Manage content creation and collaboration with third parties such as external video crew, influencers and celebrities

Competencies and Requirements

Experience: Minimum 4 - 5 years of relevant experience, Experience in digital marketing, platform operation, data analysis, managing social media campaigns. Experience working in luxury brands, design, art and culture, and hospitality is a plus
Education: bachelor’s degree or above
knowledge of popular social media platforms in China and the marketing opportunities these platforms present
Strong copywriting skills and strong sense of aesthetics
Language Ability: Good written and spoken in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese
Computer Skills:
Proficient in the use of online design and video editing tools, desktop publishing and MS Office
Familiar with mobile technologies, e.g. responsive design, mobile payments, etc

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours
From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

  • 職位要求

  • 中級管理層 
  • 所有澳門特別行政區地區, 澳門特別行政區 
  • 學士學位 
  • 博彩 - 娛樂場 / 賭埸 
  • 傳媒及廣告 (傳媒) 
  • 11/03/2025 


體驗一鍵快速申請 無需註冊